Who Can Sit at The Head Table with The Bride and Groom?

There is no set rule for who can sit at the head table with the bride and groom as it ultimately comes down to what they are comfortable with. However, some general guidelines can be followed to make the task easier!


·       For the Immediate Family

Traditionally, the head table at a wedding is reserved for the immediate family members of the bride and groom.

This includes the parents, grandparents, siblings, and other close relatives. The bride and groom usually sit in the middle of the head table, with their parents on either side.


·       For Special Guests

However, many couples choose to break with tradition and invite other special guests to sit at the head table with them. This could include friends, mentors, or anyone else who has played an important role in their lives.

If you have a large wedding party, you may want to consider having a separate table for them so that everyone has a chance to interact with the bride and groom during the reception.

Discuss whatever you decide with your partner so that you are on the same page. But if you still need help, answer these questions. They’ll help you when making your decision:


- Who do you want to be closest to on your big day? The head table is typically the centerpiece of the reception, so you’ll want to be surrounded by your nearest and dearest.


- Who will make the best conversation partners? Remember that you’ll sit next to these people for the entire reception, so choose those you know will be good company.


- Who do you want in your wedding photos? The head table is often where the most iconic wedding photos are taken, so consider who you want to be in them with you.


Again, it’s up to you who you include at the head table. Just be sure to choose those who will make the day even more special for you!

We understand that even though all your loved ones can’t be at the head table, you still want them to feel equally loved and appreciated. Our solution to this?

All you need is a beautiful place large enough to accommodate all your guests, gives off the right ambiance, and offers them utter comfort. We promise your loved ones will never forget how wonderful the day was!

The Orchard View Wedding and Event Center has proudly hosted countless weddings over the years, and we want your wedding to be the next one we host!

When we built our venue, we had one goal in mind: to give couples a place they can create memories that will last forever and experiences they will always recall with warm, fond smiles.

We achieved this by erecting a wedding and event venue whose beauty is only rivaled by its size. With over 20,000 square feet of space, our venue can accommodate almost three thousand guests (2500 guests, to be precise)!

The indoor venues can hold 400 guests, but what they lack in space, they make up for with modern amenities, luxurious décor, and the perfect ambiance! So, click here now to contact us and book our famed, beautiful wedding venue!


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