How To Follow Up on Missed RSVPs

It’s always a little disappointing when you don’t hear back from guests after sending out invitations. But remember that people are busy; sometimes, things get lost in the shuffle. The best way to handle missing RSVPs is to wait a bit, then give your guests a gentle reminder.

So, if you’ve sent out wedding invitations and haven’t received a response, here are a few things you can do to follow up and get an accurate head count!


·       Wait a Few Days

First, give your guests a few days to respond. It’s possible they haven’t had a chance to sit down and fill out the RSVP card. If you still haven’t heard anything after a week or so, reach out by phone or email.

You can send all of them a mass email or text message. Or, if you have their contact information, give them a call.


·       Be Polite

Be polite and understanding when contacting guests who have missed the RSVP deadline. After all, your guests are doing you a favor by attending your wedding!

Thank them for their time, and let them know that you’re just trying to get a final headcount to ensure everyone has a seat.

Don’t sweat it if you still don’t hear back after your reminder. Just assume that those guests aren’t coming and move on.


·       One Gentle Reminder

Finally, don’t be afraid to give guests a gentle reminder about the RSVP deadline a few days before it passes. A simple email or text message should suffice. But this should be the last time you attempt to reach them.


Heed these tips to follow up with guests who have missed the RSVP deadline, and we guarantee you’ll have an accurate head count for your big day. But don’t worry too much about who will and won’t come; focus more on celebrating the big day!

You should be looking forward to all the fun, laughter, happy tears, and joy awaiting you on that beautiful day. And how do you make the most of it? Celebrate it in a venue that will add to the experience and make it something you’ll never forget!

The Orchard View Wedding and Event Center is ever-ready to host your upcoming Ontario wedding. We host events and weddings in our three gorgeous sites: The Terrace, The Grandview, and The Lakeview.

Each of our three venues gives you something new to add to your big day. For example, the décor you use at The Terrace will give you a completely different look and feel when you use that same décor at The Grandview!

Which of the three venues will you book for your wedding? Click here to contact us, and we’ll help you decide.

Please tell us the type of wedding you want, and we’ll help you select the venue to use, the décor to display, and tend to all other aspects of your wedding planning too!



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