Invitations and Guest Lists

January 27, 2021

You have probably already nailed down a list of guests that you were happy with, but with the uncertainty of restrictions and COVID regulations you are wondering how and when to decide what to do next.

Here are some of our top tips for helping you strategize and manage your guest list grief!

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By now you’ve spent hours debating over who to invite and you are faced with the difficult task of lowering your guest count.

Our first suggestion is to create two lists - one list should consist of your deal breakers, these are the people who have to be there - your parents, siblings, your university roommate who got you through your degree with sanity intact! If you close your eyes, picture your wedding day, the people who you see should be on that list. The second list should consist of everyone else, the friends you adore but haven’t seen in three years, the cousin who lives in Vancouver and you only get updates through your mom…let’s say the B-list folks.

We know it can be difficult to pick and choose - of course you want everyone to celebrate with you, but it is important that you and your fiancée have a plan to ensure that the people you really need to be there for you can have a seat. 

For the first 6 months of 2021 we suggest you plan your guests lists based on the restrictions that were implemented last summer: 50 people inside and 100 people outside. If you are getting married at Orchard View, the ample outdoor space makes a 100-person guestlist much more doable. We have acres of beautiful green space, our pristine lake backdrop and our summer tent feels like an escape from the city to the destination wedding of your dreams!

Another great tip is to keep track of your guest list. There are many resources out there to help with this, our favorite by far is on The Knot. It is a online wedding planner and has terrific references to help guide and keep you organized, and the best part is… ITS FREE 😊

One of the most important steps in navigating the COVID waters is keeping an open line of communication between you and your guests. You want them to be aware of what is going on and be able to easily send a message. Always keep your guest contact info up to date. This is not only important for you to be able to reach them, but also important for any contact tracing that may need to be done. Here are some other awesome tricks and tools to help you out:

Send out Save the Dates

You can inform your guests ahead of time about your wedding date so they are informed about your special day and this way, it allows you more time to be flexible on when you are to send out your wedding invitations in case any of your details change.

Include a COVID Update

Include a COVID update in your wedding invitation! List the details of the venue and the precautions they are taking as well as any rules that must be followed!  (Mask policies, flow of event, hand sanitizer stations etc.) It allows for you to communicate what you are doing to keep your guests safe but also gives your guests the chance to research the venue and feel more comfortable.

Create a Wedding Website

We love this idea regardless of COVID planning.  Creating a wedding website allows for you to communicate with your guests in real time! You can list updates about the event and other protocols that you are taking. It also allows you to tell your story and tell you guests about all the amazing aspects of your wedding - you can include information about accommodations, directions & information about your venue.

When to send out your wedding invitations:

There’s no denying it’s tough to know exactly when to send your official wedding invitations out. With the current Stay at Home Order & gathering restrictions, WHEN is the right time?

Well… it really all depends on when you are getting married…we recommend sending invitations out when you are comfortable with continuing the wedding planning process.

Normally wedding invitations go out about 4 months before. If this leaves you feeling uneasy, then waiting a little longer is a great way to gain confidence in your planning. It is also a great way to gauge your guests comfort level too. Once you have an idea as to who is comfortable coming, discussions with your venue should be more straightforward.

What about sending two batches of invitations?

We love this idea as it combines the best of both worlds. Sending out invitations to your “deal breaker guests” allows you to make sure your nearest and dearest are accounted for in your guest list. By sending batches of invites, it allows for you to add people as you feel comfortable or as restrictions ease up. 

What if you end up having to cut down the guest list?

Well.. as much as we hate this, it could happen! With the provincial guidelines continuously changing, it is a possibility that you may have to face. In this instance, we suggest being open and honest. Be transparent, and try to make it light hearted. COVID changes everyone’s plans, so do not beat yourself up! If you are looking at some tips on how to do that, please read the article below!

At the end of the day just be yourself. Your guests will understand. If the lines of communication are open, it is one less thing you need to worry about!

Finally, remember that we are all in this together. Talk to your venue, talk to your coordinator, talk to your photographer. We are all here to help guide you and create a memorable day.


Until Next Week!

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